1) Human Resources Development Canada, Knowledge Matters: Skills and Learning for Canadians, 2002, pp. 7-8.
2) Ibid., pp. 13-19, 25-32, 37-43, 49-53.
3) Government of Canada, Speech from the Throne, September 30, 2002
4) Dr. Bruce Cassie, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education.
5) The Author is grateful to many people, but in particular: Yves Boutot, National Life/Work Centre, Fredericton; Dr. Bruce Cassie, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, North Bay, Ontario; Susan Deruelle, Nova Scotia Community Services, Sydney; Nova Scotia; Rich Froeschle, Texas Career Resource Network, Austin, Texas; Robert Goguen, National Life/Work Centre, Montreal, Québec; Dale Gullekson, Elk Island School Division, Edmonton, Alberta; Helen Hackett, Arcadia Works, Ottawa, Ontario; Vicki King, California Career Resource Network, Sacramento, California; Carol Kososki, South Carolina Occupational Information Coordinating Committee, Columbia, South Carolina; Paul Lukaszek, BC Ministry of Education, Victoria, British Columbia; Marie Lapointe, National Life/Work Centre, Ottawa, Ontario; Dr. Roberta Neault, Life Strategies Ltd, Coquitlam, British Columbia; Juliette Noone-Lester, formerly ED of the National Occupational Information Coordinating Committee, Washington, D.C.; Dave Redekopp, Life Role Development Group, Edmonton, Alberta; Gunter Rochow, CAPRA International, Cumberland, Ontario; Mark Savickas, Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine, Rootstown, Ohio; Rob Straby, Life Works by Design, Elora, Ontario; Lee Wallace, Car-Ed Consulting, Ottawa, Ontario; Dr. Tony Watts, OECD. Paris, France; Jessi Zielke, BC Career Education Society, Vancouver, British Columbia.
6) Government of Canada, Speech from the Throne, September 30, 2002
7) Alberta Learning (1999). What Works: Career Building Strategies for Special Needs Groups.
8) Krumboltz, J.D., & Worthington, R.L. (1999). The School-to-Work Transition From a Learning Theory Perspective. The Career Development Quarterly, 47, 312-325.
9) Human Resources Development Canada, Knowledge Matters: Skills and Learning for Canadians, 2002, pp. 7-8.
10) Froeschle, R. (2003). Cost of Market Indecision: The Economic Effects of Insufficient Career Information, Texas Workforce Commission, Career Development Resources, Austin, Texas (forthcoming).
11) Alberta Human Resources and Employment, What Works: Career Building Strategies for Special Needs Groups, 1999.
12) Po Bronson, "What Should I do With My Life? The True Story of People Who Answered the Ultimate Question." Random House, January 2003.
13) Dr. Sam Shaw, President, Northern Alberta Institute of Technology, The Role of Education: Building a World-Class Work Force, Edmonton, September 2002.
14) The author wishes to acknowledge the contributions of R. Froeschle, Texas Workforce Commission; Dr. D. Redekopp, Life Role Development Group; and Dr. R. Straby, Life Works by Design to this list of terms.
15) Carlson, B., After Career Development, What? Office of vocational and Adult Education, U.S. Department of Education, Washington, D.C., 2002.
16) Gysbers, N.C. (1997). Involving Counseling Psychology in the School-to-Work Movement: An Idea Whose Time Has Come. The Counseling Psychologist, 25(3), 413-427.
17) Straby, R, Life Works by Design, Elora, 2002.
18) Statistics Canada, Labour Force Survey, 2001.
19) Applied Research Branch, Human Resources Development Canada, Job Futures (2000) World of Work: Overviews and Trends.
20) BC Ministry of Education, 2002 High School Graduate Transition Study.
21) Krumboltz, J.D., & Worthington, R.L. (1999). The School-to-Work Transition From a Learning Theory Perspective. The Career Development Quarterly, 47, 312-325.
22) Worthington, R.L., & Juntunen, C.L. (1997). The Vocational Development of Non-College-Bound Youth: Counseling Psychology and the School-to-Work Transition Movement. The Counseling Psychologist, 25(3), 323-363.
23) Worthington, R.L., & Juntunen, C.L. (1997). The Vocational Development of Non-College-Bound Youth: Counseling Psychology and the School-to-Work Transition Movement. The Counseling Psychologist, 25(3), 323-363.
24) Redekopp, D., Ph.D., Life Role Development Group, Edmonton, 2002.
25) Maxwell, Judith, Smart Social Policy - "Making Work Pay," Canadian Policy Research Networks, Ottawa, 2002.
26) Po Bronson, "What Should I do With My Life? The True Story of People Who Answered the Ultimate Question." Random House, January 2003.
27) Savickas, M, 14 Facts Career Specialists Could Assert in Debates about Public Policy Regarding Workforce Development and Career Guidance, For International Career Development Policy/Practice Symposium participants, Vancouver, May 2002.
28) Po Bronson, "What Should I do With My Life? The True Story of People Who Answered the Ultimate Question." Random House, January 2003.
29) Statistics Canada, CANSIM II, Economic Indicators - Canada, August 2002
30) Statistics Canada, CANSIM II, Consolidated federal, provincial, territorial and local government revenue and expenditure, August 2002
31) Savickas, M, 14 Facts Career Specialists Could Assert in Debates about Public Policy Regarding Workforce Development and Career Guidance, For International Career Development Policy/Practice Symposium participants, Vancouver, May 2002.
32) Canadians and Stress: A Special Report, Ipsos-Reid, September 2002
33) Statistics Canada, CANSIM II, Consolidated federal, provincial, territorial and local government revenue and expenditure, August 2002
34) Anna Diamantopoulou, European Commissioner responsible for Employment and Social Affairs, EC News, Lexis-Nexis database, Commission of the European Communities, 2000.
35) Statistics Canada, CANSIM II, Consolidated federal, provincial, territorial and local government revenue and expenditure, August 2002
36) Statistics Canada, CANSIM II, Consolidated federal, provincial, territorial and local government revenue and expenditure, August 2002
37) Human Resources Development Canada, Performance Report, Page 28, March 31, 2001
38) Statistics Canada, CANSIM II, Consolidated federal, provincial, territorial and local government revenue and expenditure, August 2002
39) Savickas, M, 14 Facts Career Specialists Could Assert in Debates about Public Policy Regarding Workforce Development and Career Guidance, For International Career Development Policy/Practice Symposium participants, Vancouver, May 2002.